Asphalt Driveway Maintenance Tips to Prevent Cracks

An asphalt driveway is a key part of the property that requires regular maintenance and care to keep it in perfect condition. Among all the options available for building driveways, Asphalt is indeed a great choice. Homeowners, however, should keep certain maintenance tips in mind to protect the driveway and improve its longevity. Let’s understand more!
There are many reasons for the health of your asphalt driveway to deteriorate over time. Water intrusion, freezing temperatures, constant use of the driveway and oxidation are some of the reasons behind the cracking and degradation of driveways. Owners should pay attention to these signs and take proactive measures to maintain their driveway. Regular upkeep of the driveways would ensure there are no surprises such as elevated repair costs. Cracking can quickly lead to asphalt failure and cause more serious damage therefore you should contact an asphalt contractor to have those cracks fixed as soon as possible.
Types of Cracks

1. Alligator Cracks
These cracks resemble the skin of an alligator just like the patches you would notice in cracks of the driveway. It happens when the pavement is carrying huge loads on a daily basis and the supporting structure is weak. When you put enough pressure on anything that has a weak foundation, cracks would appear. The same applies to driveways.
2. Blocks Cracks
Block cracking occurs due to shrinkage of the asphalt concrete. Block cracking is a signal that the asphalt has become hard. Block cracking happens usually over a larger portion of the driveway and pavement area.
3. Potholes
Again, adverse weather conditions can quickly cause potholes to occur. These are also called eggshells. It is advisable to have the repair done when the temperature is warmer.
4. Ice Cracks Driveway
It is more common in areas that witness extreme winters and face freezing conditions. Constant snowfall and snow deposits can cause some serious damage to your driveway and it may develop ice cracks.
Maintenance Tips to keep your Asphalt Driveway healthy
You can certainly increase the life of your driveway by following some best practices. Make sure you take action at the right time to avoid any damage to your driveway. Sometimes our negligence and lack of action results in further damage to the driveway. Let’s have a look at some expert tips to keep it healthy and functional!
1. Avoid Standing Water
Clear the water as soon as possible. Letting the water sit for a long time can do damage to the Asphalt. Accumulation of water is one of the main reasons why driveways lose their strength and it then escalates into more serious damage.
2. Sealcoat Regularly
Make sure you hire a contractor to repair and seal coat the driveway as early as possible. Don’t wait for the problem to grow bigger. Hiring a professional is the best way to fix the driveway at the right time.
3. Fill Potholes and Patches Immediately
Again, make sure you don’t wait till the last minute to fix the patches and holes in your asphalt driveway. Hire a professional right away and get these potholes fixed.
4. Clean The Surface Regularly
Keeping the surface clean is another effective way to prevent asphalt from cracking.Just like you clean the house, it is also important to clean the surface of your driveway from time to time.
5. Protect The Edges
Edges are most vulnerable to cracks and damage. Take extra care of the driveway edges and make sure you avoid driving heavy bikes and cars around it.
Conclusion – It may not always be possible to fix the cracks and potholes on your own. And that’s why seeking professional help is sometimes the best idea to avoid further expense in the form of maintenance and repair. Tarworks Construction is the leading partner for all your construction and repair needs. Right from highways to driveways, we are here to help you with all of your asphalt paving needs.
Speak to one of our experts today. The longer you leave your driveway with cracks, the higher the chances of its condition deteriorating. For that reason, you should have Cracks and Holes Repaired Immediately. While routinely cleaning your driveway, make sure you spot the warning signs early and act accordingly.
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